The purpose of the leadgate app is to help generate email leads through Facebook. Here's the written tutorial below, enjoy! :) 

On leadgated content

Before you set this app up, you’ll want to have something folks find useful and brand related enough to provide their email.

For best results, we recommend having a couple emails with content sent out over a month or so. This sets up the expectation that the user will be receiving multiple emails from you. This is good, because it creates someone more willing to open your emails, and thus a warmer lead.

Probably the best general example for sending multiple emails from the get go, is a short helpful course on the goal your customer is pursuing.

Setting up the Leadgate

Let’s open the leadgate app. And click “Enable Leadgate”. We have a couple of options with the leadgate app provided through our paid premium plan. For this video though, we’ll be using our free leadgate app.

First we’ll type in the email we’d like our emails to go to. If you enter an email under "Admin email", your leads will be collected in "View responses", the downloadable CSV list, and will go to your Admin email.

For the free version, we’ve created code you can copy and paste in. You don’t need to know any code for this. You’ll just be customizing the wording. Go ahead and click on our styled example to access your leadgate code. Copy all the code below the gray text that says "Option one:".

Now paste this code into the app. Hit Peview to make sure it looks nice, then click Save.

Content Setup (leadgated content)

Now we’ll create our Content tab. So again, for the Content tab you’ll want to have something folks find useful and brand related enough to provide their email. :)

Click over to Content, and click on Change App and select Image Plus. We’re going to upload an image and a brief thank you message with any other necessary instructions. Click Preview and then Save.

Accessing User Leads

To access user leads, go to the app you enabled the leadgate on and click on "View responses". To download your emails, click "Download CSV". This CSV list can be put into a google spreadsheet, or uploaded to an email marketing service such as MailChimp for future use - tutorial here.